Let me start this by declaring that I AM a HUGE Evil Dead fan!!!
Expecting, "The Most Terrifying Film You Will Ever Experience," I was sorely disappointed walking out of the theater thinking the movie was aaanhhh, okay. For starters the storyline was under developed, there was a total lack of suspense, and I didn't even hear one gasp or scream from the audience. I appreciate that this was supposed to be a re-imaging and was excited that it was going to play more on horror than comedy like the originals. References made to the original movie seemed meaningless and misplaced, almost irrelevant to the movie all together. "And will they please quit defibrillating silent hearts?," griped my RN wife, X_GINGERALE_X....lol.
For those that have never seen the original Evil Dead movies and those that only need a quick gore-horr fix this is probably your kind of movie. But for me all it did was waste 91 minutes of my time and $10 bucks I could have spent in The Casino on PS Home.
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